
Tables are useful for displaying data

Tables are made up of:
A <table< tag for defining the table.
A <th< tag for the table heading
A <tr< tag for the table row
A <td< tag for table data or cell.

Cookies Chips
chocolate Chip Doritos
Sugar Ruffles
M&M Lays
Snickerdoodle Pringles

Tables with rows and columns that span more than one row or column

Name Phone Numbers
Smelly Kelly 802-555-1212 802-555-1313
Waldo 802-314-find me 802-555-where am I
Doug the Thug 802-555-1212 802-555-1313
Benny 802-314-find me 802-555-where am I

Table for my Savings

Month Savings Savings for Holiday
January $100 $50
February $80